
Information on how to arrange a school excursion to the Giant Toboggan Calafell Slide.

For schools, groups and youth associations it is possible to rent the Giant Slide exclusive and hourly use.

This offer is available only on weekdays from Monday to Friday (holidays depending on possibilities) from 10:00 to 20:00 h (July and August until 17:00 h). For groups of more than 50 people it is recommended to divide them into two or three groups of 25-50 people and make one-hour shifts.

During the contracted time all members of the group can ride on the attraction as many times as they can within the time. Groups typically do between 130 and 160 trips per hour. Thus a group of – for example – 30 students will be able to make about 4 or 5 trips per person in an hour.

Our rates are :

1 hour : €165 + VAT 21% = €199.65

2 hours : €295 + VAT 21% = €356.95

3 hours : 375 €+ VAT 21% = 453.75 €

Please contact by phone +34697543727 or email ( for more information!


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Calafell Slide vuelve abrir sus puertas el 29 de marzo!

Calafell Slide

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