Birthday Party

Celebrating Birthday at Calafell Slide is fun for the whole family

Celebrating a birthday at Calafell Slide is fun for the whole family.

The children’s birthday party includes:

  • Pica pica
  • 1 soft drink and water
  • Mini-Sandwiches
  • bag of sweets
  • 3 trips down the slide

Contact us for more information and to reserve your date! Contact

Bundle 1

15,00 €/Child

(minimum 6 children)


From 11:00 hs untill closing


From 11:00 hs untill closing

Bundle 2

18,00 €/Niño

(mínimo 6 niños)


From 11:00 hs untill closing


From 11:00 hs untill closing.

* It is recommended to make the reservation well in advance.

* In July and August availability and prices may change.

* Additional trips for €1.50

Recommended age between 5 and 14 years
Minimum capacity 6 children.


Queridos aficionados y visitantes del Slide

Calafell Slide vuelve abrir sus puertas el 29 de marzo!

Calafell Slide

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