FAQ’S Calafell Slide

What is the way of payment?

It can be paid in cash or by card

Do I have to reserve my time of entrance?

No pre-booking required to use the slide

    Are pets allowed in the park?

    Dogs can enter the park as long as they are strapped and accompanied by their owners.

    From what age can children ride?

    The minimum age is 3 years. Between 3 and 7 years, the kids must be accompanied by an adult over 16 years of age. From the age of 8, children can ride alone.              

    Can I do picnic in the park?

    Yes, you can bring in food. But all drinks have to be purchased in our bar.

    Where we are

    There is no public transport.

    It’s a 25-minute walk from the train station.

    Parking is free.

    Tips for your visit

    • Proper footwear (flip flops and heels NO)
    • Appropriate clothing (no swimsuits and long skirts)
    • Read the “How to Use“ Section


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    Calafell Slide vuelve abrir sus puertas el 29 de marzo!

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